2022-25 Maine-Endwell Strategic Plan
Mission, Vision, and Core Beliefs

To deliver a premier educational experience to each student

We promise to inspire, engage, empower, and graduate all students as well-rounded, community-minded, global thinkers, leaders and innovators.

Core beliefs:

  • Students are our first priority, and we always make decisions in their best interest.

  • Every student can learn and achieve success.

  • We act with integrity, value diversity and preserve the dignity of each person.

  • We promote and support innovation.

  • A positive, risk-free and safe environment is essential for learning.

  • We are a community of leaders who exemplify strong character.

  • We value collaboration, community partnerships and shared decision-making.

  • We always pursue excellence.

Inspire & Educate
Foster challenging and innovative learning opportunities

  • Provide rigorous, aligned curriculum and enrichment opportunities for all students.

  • Integrate technology to enrich instruction and learning.

  • Implement data-informed instruction. 

  • Reinforce collaboration among all members of our professional learning community (PLC). 

Empower & Support
Provide necessary resources for all students

  •  Strengthen Response to Intervention (RTI).

  • Implement Early Kindergarten to grade 2 interventions to ensure all students have the necessary math and literacy skills.

  • Promote the social and emotional wellness of all students.

  • Implement a comprehensive strategy to increase graduation rates.

 Engage & Communicate
Collaborate with families and community 

  • Strengthen family-school communication and involvement.

  • Increase Kindergarten readiness.

  • Partner with organizations to provide real-world experiential learning for students. 


Maine-Endwell Strategic Plan
Revised 2023

Changes for 2023-24:
Focus Areas & District Goals

Four Elementary School Children Working Together